
Evtec Aluminium wants to minimise its impact on the planet and contribute towards a better future for our employees, their families and local communities. Today, we operate at world-leading efficiency rates and are focused on reducing the small percentage of waste from our business further.

Driving the electric vehicle transition

At Evtec Aluminium, we take parts previously used on internal combustion engines and repurpose them for electric vehicles and battery systems. This removes the need for additional raw material production and reduces the environmental impact of the end vehicle.

World-leading efficiency

98% of all the raw aluminium that is delivered to our foundry is turned into precision components for our customers. There are very few manufacturing businesses around the world that can claim such a high efficiency rate.

Aluminium can be recycled and remelted time after time for perpetuity. Any scrap aluminium generated during the production process are tipped back into the smelter, remelted into molten metal and poured to create another component.

Creativity minimises waste

During the production process we skim the top off the molten aluminium to ensure the perfect composition of the final component. This creates dross which is sold into the cosmetics industry rather than being sent to landfill.

“We are reducing our industry’s impact on the planet by minimising waste, recycling and reusing materials wherever possible across our businesses. In addition, we play an active role supporting a broad range of initiatives, such as food banks, to improve people’s lives in the local communities in which we operate.”

David Roberts, Chairman


Waste produced


Energy savings


Double tool life extension

Case study


“Almost three decades in cutting edge engineering and I’m still learning new skills and developing as the company grows”